Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Example of Narrative Text

Example of Narrative Text :

Text Narrative 1 :
Sleeping Beauty

The king and queen were celebrating the birth of their only daughter. The fairies of the kingdom came to the palace to celebrate the new born baby. And, as tradition marked, each one gave a gift to the child. But as the youngest fairy was about to bestow her gift upon the baby, a witch came in! The witch was very angry because she hadn’t been invited to the party.
”One day the princess will prick her finger on a spindle and die!” she shouted bitterly.
”No!” intervened the youngest fairy, ”Instead, she will sleep for a hundred years.”
The youngest fairy did not have the power to cancel the witch’s spell, but she could change the spell and help the princess.
The following day, the king ordered his people to burn any spindles in the ki' The king and queen were happy to see their daughter grow up happily and healthily.
One sunny spring day, the princess took a walk together with her lady companions. The lady companions were so busy talking that they didn’t see the princess opening an old wooden door with full of curiosity.
”Well!” said the princess, ”I’ve never been here before.”
After going up a long flight of stairs, the princess found a room with an old woman spinning with a spindle. The young lady had never seen one before and was very curious!
The princess went in and asked, ”What are you doing, old lady?”
”I’m spinning a spindle. Come nearer and you’ll be able to do it, I’ll show you how.” Said the evil witch.
Soon after, the lady companions found the young princess lying on the floor. When they saw spindle, they immediately understood what had happened.
”Oh, no! She has pricked herself! The young princess has pricked herself and will now sleep for one hundred years!” they cried.
The king ordered the princess to be taken to the best room in the palace and sent his messengers to find the youngest fairy. When the youngest fairy came, she waved her magic wand and everybody who accompanied the princess immediately fell asleep, too.
The years went by. Nobody remembered the princess and the curse anymore until, one day, a young prince decided to climb up the tallest tree and see what the abandoned palace was hiding. There he saw the princess and fell in love with her.
The prince went into the palace. He thought the sleeping princess was so beautiful that he kneeled next to her bed to kiss her cheek. Magically, the ”Sleeping Beauty” and the whole palace awoke.
The following year, the prince asked the princess to marry him. Eventually, they became the happiest couple in the kingdom and lived happily ever after.

Text Narrative 2 :
The Old Grandfather and His Grandson

Once upon a time, there was a very old grandfather. His eyes were almost blind, his ears were deaf and his knees shook. When he sat at the table, he could not hold the spoon strongly. He spilled soup on the tablecloth. Besides, some of his soup would run back out of his mouth.
His son and his son’s wife were annoyed. Finally they made the old grandfather sat in the corner behind the stove. They gave him not enough food in a clay bowl. He sat there and looked at them sadly. He was almost crying.
One day the old grandfather could not hold the bowl because his hands were too weak. The bowl fell to the ground and broke. The woman scolded him. However, the old grandfather did not say anything. He could only cry. Then, he bought him a wooden bowl and made him eat from it.
Once the husband and wife were sitting in the dining room, their four-year-old son put together some pieces of wood on the floor. His father asked him what he was doing. The little child said that he was making a bowl for his father and mother to eat from when he became an adult.
The man and the woman looked at each other. They began to cry. They brought the old grandfather to the table immediately. Since then, they always let him eat there. If he spilled a little, they didn’t say anything.

Text Narrative 3 :
The Two Friends and The Bear

One day, two young friends, Ida and Rizki decided to go exploring together. Before they set out they promised that if they met with any danger they would face it together.
They went deep into a deserted part of forest. Suddenly, a bear came out from the bushes towards them. Ida quickly climbed the nearest tree. Rizki saw that he did not have time to escape. So he laid down on the ground and pretended to be dead.
The bear growled as it came closer and closer. It sniffed around Rizki and went close to his ear. Rizki held his breath and kept very still. A short while later, the bear grunted and went away. It is known that some bears will not touch you if you ’play dead’.
Ida came down from the tree and asked, ”Why did the bear put its mouth to your ear?” ”Yes, Adam replied, the bear told me not to make friends with people who ran away and left others to face danger by themselves”.

Text Narrative 4 :
The Golden Tree

Once upon a time, in a little village, there was a big palace and in the palace, there lived a rich king.
One day, the king promised one of his gadeners would give three million gold coins if he could grow a tree all year round, which bore rich golden fruits. The gardener searched all over the countryside but he couldn’t find the right seed to grow a tree, which would bear golden fruit.
So last, he went to see old owl that lived deep in the forest and knew all about many things. The wise old owl told him to do and where to go get the right seed to plant. The gardener did exactly what he was told. He planted the seed and he waited. Suddenly the tree sprang up so quickly.
The tree began to bear rich golden fruit. The gardener ran back to the palace and took the king to see the tree. The king was very surprised. Therefore, the king agreed to give the gardener his money. The gardener went home and lived happily ever after.

Text Narrative 5 :
Princess Who Loved to Sing

Princess Isabel loved to sing very much. She sang anytime and anywhere. When she was singing, everyone must be quite. If not, she would punish them.
One day, an old beggar asked her some money while she was singing. Princess Isabel was very angry, but the beggar was angry, too. The old beggar was actually a witch. She cursed Isabel, ”From now on you can’t sing!”
Fortunately, there was a fairy. She was a good one. She said, ”You can sing again after you do a good thing to someone else”

Text Narrative 6 :
Roro Jonggrang

It is a story about a beautiful woman called Roro Jonggrang and a giant called Bandung Bondowoso. The giant fell in love with the woman and asked he to marry him. However, the woman refused as she knoew that the giant had killed her father.
The woman would marry the giant if he could build a thousand temples in one night. The giant decided to fulfill her request. He asked some ghosts to help him build one thousand temples in one night.
In the next morning, Bandung built only 999 temples, so Roro Jonggrang refused to marry him. Bandung was very angry and he spelled out his magic words to complete his job. Unfortunately, it was far from his hope. The magic words turned Roro Jonggrang into a stone.
This story is one of the several well-known legends in Indonesia. You can still enjoy the statue of Roro Jonggrang in Prambanan Temple, Central Java, Indonesia.

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